Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Steps To Building Your Business Awareness As An Expert

Most industries have specific people that are considered the experts in their industry. Do you have any competitors that you keep seeing everywhere? They are published in newspapers, are guests on TV spots, etc?

It's not because they actually know more than you. It's because they know how to get media exposure. It's not actually that hard and you can skyrocket your small business by marketing this way and it isn't actually going to cost you a dime!

If you don't have anyone doing this in your industry, then this is even better as you don't really have any competition to make this work.

Here are a few steps to get you started on your own media exposure that is easy to do and quick to get rolling.

Publish basic tips and tricks in your industry
Newspapers are always looking for good content for their newspapers. People are tired of the doom and gloom and want to hear from someone that has good solid information to share with them. You already know your industry. What can you share with the masses that will give them great tips, tricks or resources that will benefit them?

Most of the time, articles like this are fairly short so it's actually not that hard to write them. Usually 500 words is about the right size.

Make sure that you are giving great educational information. Not pitching the audience to buy your products or services. This is critical. Your article is to gain exposure and build your credibility, not pitch your wares.

At the end of your article, you should write up a small resource box of information about you. Keep it simple, 2-3 sentences with information on how the reader can contact you if they want more information. This can be a phone number, email address or the best option is a link to your website with a sign-up form for them to receive more tips and information about your products and services. This should be the only part where you sell yourself. Keep it simple with a straight forward call to action. That's it.

Next you need to contact your local newspapers and publications and ask how to submit your articles for publication. Be polite and ask if they have any specific requirements. They might ask for a photo to also be attached with the article. Be sure to follow their instructions to the letter. The chances of getting your article published will be greater that way.

If you call someone and they say that they aren't interested or you do submit your article and it ends up not getting published, don't worry about it. There are a ton of reasons it might not get published. Just keep submitting more articles. Never get discouraged if they don't publish something you sent them. Just blow it off and move on to the next one. Also remember that there are several publications out there so don't limit yourself to just one. You might get better results with someone else.

The next step, once you get published once or twice, is to ask if there would be a chance of making your article a regular column in the publication. If they are looking to grow and have found your first couple of articles as good information that the readers like, they might be very eager to bring you on board for a regular column.

Remember, you aren't going to get paid for this. It's a tool to use as a way to market your business and yourself better. You are providing great content to the publication and are getting free publicity in exchange.

Once you have established your presence on print publications, you'll get more comfortable with your topics and can look in to radio and TV for additional spots they might have. What shows are on that might be a good fit that also have guest experts you could be part of? Just Google the show's website and you should be able to find contact information to ask if you could be a guest on their shows.

Next thing you know, you'll be the guy that everyone sees in your local area as the expert in your industry.

Remember that the media is always looking for experts to help them with good content for their publications, whether it's print, radio or TV. Just be sure to always be polite and educational with them and you will build great relationships with the media contacts and you'll be someone they will remember and like to work with.

Good publicity like this should be part of any business' marketing mix. It is one of the most cost effective ways to market your business and get the extra exposure you need to take the lead in your industry.

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