Sunday, June 28, 2009

3 Tips to Specialize, Become The Expert In Your Industry & Target Your Marketing More Effectively

The biggest problem I see in most businesses today is that they try to be everything to everyone. This just isn't effective in the long term. You know the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Business is the same way. Too many businesses keep adding more and more products or services to their business that are related but not based around their core business and the next thing you know they are a generalist. To really succeed in your business and effectively use your marketing to target the right prospects, you need to specialize.

Specializing allows you to not only target your marketing better but it also allows you to charge more for your services. A general family doctor doesn't charge as much as a brain surgeon. This model works in pretty much any business and if you can specialize your business marketing and image, you can target your perfect client much easier.

Find The Largest Group Of Your Clients
So how do you know what to specialize in? Well, there are two easy ways to specialize and determine exactly what your specialized focus and marketing should be.

The first is to analyze your existing client base. If you are business to business you might want to look at your client list and see what industries the majority of your clients are in. You could be the expert in that industry. I know a web design company in my local area that specializes in building websites for Pool and Spa businesses.

If you are work with consumers, what are their demographics? Are they a specific age? Are they busy executives? Find out at much as you can to see what they have in common. You'll likely find a few traits that the majority of them have in common that can easily be your focus.

Become The Specialist In That Area
Next you want to put together a marketing message and even a special package for other people in that group. When you write your advertising messages, you want to talk specifically to that group. What was it that sold your existing clients in that group on your services or products? Talk about those. Cater your message to those people.

You can also use testimonials from those clients to help sell your product. This tells your new prospects that you understand their needs and have a solutions that solves their problem.

Where Do Those People Hang Out?
Next you need to find out where those prospects hang out. Do they belong to industry organizations? What magazines do they read? Do they shop in the same stores? Do they have networking events specifically for their industry?

Find out where your target market is and then you need to be there. Whether it's being part of their industry association or advertising in the magazines that they buy, you need to be the first one there offering your services to help them.

Specializing doesn't mean that you are not going to work with anyone outside of your perfect client box. It just means that you will become known as the go to person in that industry or to that target group of people thus making you the expert in that area and making you the authority.

This will make it easier to find your target prospect, cut your marketing costs and build your business as a specialist instead of a generalist.

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