Saturday, July 4, 2009

3 Tips to Marketing Yourself At Other Special Events

How often do you actually attend special events in your local community? As a small business owner, you never know where your next client will come from. Be part of your community. By attending events in your local community, you are giving your company and yourself extra exposure you would not have otherwise.

If your company focuses on consumers, local expos and community fairs might be a great way to get involved.

  • Be sure to bring plenty of business cards.

  • Your business cards are the most cost effective way for you to market your business. It always amazes me how many business people I run in to at all types of events that don't carry their business cards with them. I've even met people in line at a coffee shop and made a connection with them. There is no excuse for not carrying a few cards with you at all times.

    Be sure your business cards not only contain your contact information so it's easy for someone to contact you later, but be sure to include what you do on them. Too many times I've met someone while I'm out at an event and got their business card but once I got back to the office I couldn't remember what they really did. Make it simple for them to remember who you are AND what you do.

  • Don't just go to hang out and eat.

  • It doesn't do any good to go to any event if you don't stop by and make conversation with the other businesses that are at the event. Make new connections. These are business relationships that you should have so you can keep involved with the area and other businesses around you.

    Your relationships aren't about the sale. They are about the relationships you can build with other people and how you can come together to help each other. If you keep this in mind, the sales will come by default and be much better and more qualified in the long run.

    If an event had expo booths at it, be sure to talk to each of the exhibitors. Get to know what they do more. What can you do to help them out? Maybe you'll find someone that has the same type of customer that you do and you'll be able to work out a cross promotion with that business. You'll never know where your next great lead source may come from.

  • Follow up with the people you meet.

  • Just because you talked to someone at an event and gave them your card doesn't mean that they will call you. They are busy too. You need to be proactive and take action yourself. Pick up the phone and give them a call. Email them a quick note telling them it was great meeting them and invite them to meet for coffee or lunch some time. Build the relationship quickly. You'll impress them by your quick action and you'll speed up the relationship building quite a bit.

    There is gold in your own community. Too often we think about the bigger picture and how we can get in front of thousands of people when we are missing the smaller more targeted crowds in our local community. You will never know where you might find your next big clients. Just get out there and be part of your community.

    Thursday, July 2, 2009

    Small Business Marketing Ideas - 4 Steps To Position Your Company As The Experts

    The hardest thing for small business owners is the want to be everything to everyone. There is a saying that says “You Can't Please All Of The People All Of The Time”. They are right. If you spread yourself out too much and try to market to everyone, you'll never become the expert. You'll be too much of a generalist. You don't want to be a Jack-of-all-trades. You should be focusing your business as a specialist and you'll be able to focus your marketing, find your target market easier and grow your business much faster.

    Here's a few tips to help you narrow down your niche and become THE go to company for your specific niche.