Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Is Your Signature Driving Traffic To Your Site?

email signature Can your signature bring you business? You bet it can.

I'm not talking about your hand written signature, I'm talking about your email signature.

This simple little 3 lines of text is one of the most valuable pieces of real estate on the Internet.

Ok, so I hear it already... "But I have a signature already. That's simple!"

You're right it is simple but are you REALLY using it as an effective tool to help market your business? Most likely not.

Read the rest of this article....



Thursday, May 6, 2010

May I SPAM You Please?

May I SPAM You please So, as I see it a lot of people out there that have gone from standard business to somewhat "desperate" one thing that I am seeing a lot of lately is an increase in people bending the rules on email marketing.

Here's what I'm talking about. Let's say I meet you at a networking mixer or conference or even at the local coffee shop and we start talking business.

I give you my business card and I get yours. Pretty normal so far.

Read the rest of this article....